A collection of blog posts from my IT career

Add SSH Keys GitHub Access on MacOS

When trying to update the website hosted in GitHub from a different laptop there was an issue with the submodules not being updated on the new laptop correctly. After searching multiple sites to try and correct this issue I was finally able to figure out what the problem was. The public folder wasn’t being properly recognized as a submodule within my Github repository when cloning it to the new laptop.

Install Specific Version Hugo MacOS

I ran into a display formatting issue when trying to work on my blog from a different laptop. The problem was that when I initially built the site using Github and Hugo it was with an older version of Hugo. The theme being used hasn’t been updated in a while and probably isn’t compatible with the newer version of Hugo due to a change that was made somewhere along the line and never tested.

Install VCSA Certificates MacOS

We’ve all come across the pesky invalid certificate error when trying to access vCenter, stating that your connection is not private. Many of us click through and “Accept the risk” because we know that the site we are accessing is legitimate. However, there are times where not having a trusted website can cause an issue and prevent specific actions. For example, without a trusted certificate, it blocks access to upload files to datastores.

Installing PowerShell Core Windows

I previously wrote an article on how to install PowerShell Core on macOS. I recently needed to install PowerShell Core on a Windows machine and found the process less than ideal compared to macOS. I was able to find a simpler way to install and upgrade PowerShell Core that did not involve me having to open a web browser to download the MSI installer. Below is the command to run in PowerShell and have the MSI downloaded.

Change MacOS Screenshot Defaults

I’ve been taking lots of screenshots lately for blog posts and find myself constantly updating the files and locations. I’m not a fan of having to repeatedly rename multiple files or move them into the appropriate folder locations to keep them organized. The process is time-consuming, and since I don’t always write the blog post after performing the actions, it can lead to confusion. I did some searching and found that it’s straightforward to change the default location and name of screenshot files take with a Mac.

First Promotion - Computer Operator

My first official promotion was not everything that I thought it would be. The position was not very technical; in my opinion, most of the work was operational and related to the AS/400 system. During my training, it became very apparent to me that I would not want to stay in the role very long. However, I did realize that being on the day shift would allow me to make new contacts within the organization and showcase my work ethic and ability to learn quickly.

Decommission 6.7 Additional External Platform Services Controller(s) (PSC)

Back when I deployed my vSphere 6.5 environment in my lab, I wanted to be able to set up Enhanced Link Mode (ELM). To do that, you needed to have an external Platform Services Controller (PSC), but that is no longer the case. Starting in an early version of 6.7, you are now able to connect multiple vCenters in ELM without having to deploy an external PSC. Based on the design recommendations back in 6.

Repoint VCSA to Different PSC

To repoint your vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) to a different Platform Services Controller (PSC), you will need to use the cmsso-util repoint command. Using this process is for several different scenarios, including freeing up the capacity load, PSC maintenance, decommissioning a PSC, and various others. To start, verify what PSC the VCSA is currently pointing to by logging into the VCSA and starting the Bash shell. Then run the command below to check what PSC is currently in use.

vCenter 6.5 VAMI Updates Fail with Environment Not Ready

In a previous post, I mentioned that it had been a while since I had logged into my lab environment, and it was time for some updates. I was running vCenter 6.5u1, and before going to 6.7 wanted to be on the latest release of 6.5. It also allowed me to document the process and share with others who might be inexperienced in how to perform updates from the VCSA (vCenter Server Appliance) VAMI (VMware Appliance Management Interface).

PowerShell Cmdlet Conflicts

Recently, I had something come up with a client who was migrating from Hyper-V to vSphere. One of the administrators is a big PowerShell user and brought to my attention that the Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware PowerCLI modules share some of the cmdlet names. Duplicate names become an issue when trying to manage particular objects like VMs since both modules have the Get-VM cmdlet. Due to this conflict, he removed the PowerCLI module to continue maintaining the Hyper-V servers.

Send F11 Key on macOS

I enjoy using a Mac both for work and at home. There is an issue that I have come upon more than one occasion, and it always takes me a while to remember how to fix it. Figured I could post it here so that I have it as a reference and maybe help someone else as well. There are times when accessing the console for both ESXi and UCS KVM, where you are required to send the F11 key.

Standalone ESXi Upgrade 6.5 to 6.7u3

After logging in to my ESXi host after some time away, I realized that it was still running vSphere 6.5u1. It was time to do an upgrade, and as stated in my last post, I’m running a nested lab environment from a single physical host. I am unable to leverage VUM (vCenter Upgrade Manager) to do the upgrades since my vCenter and everything else lives on the one host I need to upgrade.